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See This Report on Cognizin Citicoline Improves Focus and Memory, Study SaysUnpublished Lederle (Cyanamid Italia) report. 1985; Parisi, V., Coppola, G., Centofanti, M., Oddone, F., Angrisani, A. M., Ziccardi, L., Ricci, B., Quaranta, L., and Manni, G. Evidence of the neuroprotective role of citicoline in glaucoma clients. Prog. Brain. Res 2008; 173:541 -554. View abstract. Parisi, V., Coppola, G., Ziccardi, L., Gallinaro, G., and Falsini, B.Eur. J Neurol. 2008; 15( 5 ):465 -474. View abstract. Parisi, V., Manni, G., Colacino, G., and Bucci, M. G. Cytidine-5'-diphosphocholine (citicoline) improves retinal and cortical responses in patients with glaucoma. Ophthalmology. 1999; 106( 6 ):1126 -1134. View abstract. Pecori, Giraldi J., Virno, M., Covelli, G., Grechi, G., and De, Gregorio F. Restorative worth of citicoline in the treatment of glaucoma (computerized and automated perimetric investigation).1989; 13(1-2):109 -112. View abstract. Petkov, V. D., Stancheva, S. L., Tocuschieva, L., and Petkov, V. V. Changes in brain biogenic monoamines induced by the nootropic drugs adafenoxate and meclofenoxate and by citicholine (experiments on rats). Gen. Pharmacol. 1990; 21( 1 ):71 -75. View abstract.  Vitaae , F., Battistini, N., Carbonin, P., Curro, Dossi B., Fiori, L., La, Bella, V, Megna, G., Salvioli, G., and Fioravanti, M.Healthy Origins Cognizin® Citicoline, 250 mg - 150 Capsules - KrogerOur Cognizin Citicoline Capsules - 60 Count DiariesArch Gerontol Geriatr 1994; 18( 3 ):161 -168. View abstract. Radad K, Gille G, Xiaojing J, Durany N, and Rausch W-D. CDP-choline lowers dopaminergic cell loss induced by MPP-super(+) and glutamate in main mesencephalic cell culture. International Journal of Neuroscience 2007; 117( 7 ):985 -998. Renshaw, P. F., Daniels, S., Lundahl, L. H., Rogers, V., and Lukas, S.Short-term treatment with citicoline (CDP-choline) attenuates some measures of yearning in cocaine-dependent topics: an initial report. Psychopharmacology.(Berl.) 1999; 142( 2 ):132 -138. View abstract. Rossi, M. and Zanardi, M. [An open research study on the scientific effectiveness of citicoline in clients with persistent cerebral vasculopathy] Clin. Ter. 1993; 142( 2 ):141 -144. View abstract. Salvadorini F. Medical assessment of CDP-choline (Nicholin): Efficacy as antidepressant treatment.Secades, J. J. and Lorenzo, J. L. Citicoline: medicinal and scientific evaluation, 2006 upgrade. Methods. Discover. Exp. Clin. Pharmacol. 2006; 28 Suppl B:1 -56. View abstract. Secades, J. J., Alvarez-Sabin, J., Rubio, F., Lozano, R., Davalos, A., and Castillo, J. Citicoline in intracerebral haemorrhage: a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled, multi-centre pilot research study. Cerebrovasc.Power ON – PowerOnPowerOffNot known Details About Hy-Vee Health Market Brain Support with Cognizin + Ginko2006; 21(5-6):380 -385. View abstract. Senin U and Fioravanti M. Scientific controlled research study vs placebo of CDPcholine in a large group of aged clients with cerebrovascular dementia. Wyeth, Italy 2003; Serra, F., Diaspri, G. P., Gasbarrini, A., Giancane, S., Rimondi, A., Tame, M. R., Sakellaridis, E., Bernardi, M., and Gasbarrini, G. [Result of CDP-choline on senile psychological degeneration.